Daily Archives: Wednesday, January 20, 2010

More Family Found

Hello once again! Winter’s getting a bit old, and I’m beginning to feel I need to get out more often. Watching the feisty little chickadees and the agressive woodpeckers cavorting and jostling at the birdfeeder is fun for a short time, but I’m thinking I need a change of scenery. That doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy. I’m on this computer constantly!

This blog and the one I maintain for the Boonville Historical Club need regular updating, and my latest project is trying to design a website for our United Methodist Women. I’ll be back to writing more often for our hometown community newspaper, The Boonville Herald (see link on the sidebar), and presently  have about four stories I’m working on, plus my regular weekly column.

The view from my kitchen window!

This past Monday morning, January 18, the news director of the local radio station  interviewed me on  the phone  about the Boonville Historical Club’s projects: collecting reading material, personal hygiene articles, and foodstuffs for our two “adopted” platoons. He wasn’t sure when it would be on the radio, but possibly toward the end of the week. Radio interviews are something I’ve done before, but I always hate hearing myself later. (See  www.boonvillehistoricalclub.wordpress.com for more details.)

While  busy with volunteer work for our church (I’m also on the administrative council) and the historical club, I continue to search for distant cousins and other relatives. It’s absolutely amazing how many people with the last name Druck have become my FaceBook friends. I’m not sure how or if we’re all related, but I know a lot of them are.  There are lots of descendants of the original York County immigrant, who now live in Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana, and even parts of California and Texas.  If your surname is Druck, and you’re not of Jewish heritage, we’re probably related. The Jewish Drucks came over to the U.S. later, some of them from Poland, according to what I’ve read.

And speaking of Drucks in Ohio, I recently communicated with a Ms Liza Druck, which coincidentally was my paternal grandmother’s married name. Her maiden name was Eliza Stump, but she was called Liza. What a small world. Liza’s father is Donald Edward Druck, Jr., son of Donald Edward Druck Sr., who died in 1959. He was married to Hazel Yunker. Her great-grandfather was Edward F. Druck, married to Artie M. Wright.  According to Liza, Edward F.’s parents were Fredrick Druck and Mary Linkman. “And this is as far as I’ve gotten on the Druck side,” says Liza. She writes, “From what I’ve  found on ancestry.com, Edward F. Druck was born in Cincinnati but lived most of his life across the river in Campbell County, Kentucky, where my father and grandfather grew up.”

 Can anyone shed any light on this line and help Liza? I’m sure that we’re connected; I just haven’t figured it out yet.

One Druck that is related is Michael Hoover, who found this blogsite and contacted me to tell me that his grandmother was Viola Druck Hoover.  During a recent phone call with Mike, he also told me about some relatively unknown Druck burial sites. Mike graciously offered to guide me to these sites next time I’m in York County, and I fully intend to take him up on his offer. He also offered to share photos and other information about his grandmother’s line. So, thanks to Mike, who it turns out is about a fifth cousin, once removed, I’ll be adding still more data to my collection of Druck family history. If anyone else out there would like to share, I’d be happy to hear from you.

There's plenty to eat for everyone!

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Filed under Druck Family History, genealogy, Personal, Uncategorized, Writing, York County