Daily Archives: Thursday, January 21, 2010

How Can You Help Haiti Earthquake Victims ?

Are you wondering what you can do to help people in Haiti? We’ve all heard so much about the unbelievable devastation , and there are so many people trying to collect money to help, you’re probably thinking: “Who can I trust?” Lots of people have started collections on their own, but sometimes it’s better to stick to what you know is trustworthy and reliable. 

 I’ve officially taken on the role of publicity chair for our United Methodist Women’s group at church, although I’ve been doing publicity work for some time without the title!  I grew up in the Lutheran Church, but I’m now a United Methodist (is there such a thing as a religion of convenience?), because when we moved to Boonville, we learned the nearest Lutheran Church was about 30 miles away.

Hang on…we’ll get to the point soon!   

So, even though I sometimes find myself thinking “Lutheran Women” instead of “United Methodist Women,”  I’m committed to our women’s fellowship and friendship, and of course, missions.   

Boonville UMW President Kay Skjellerup (center) checks supplies for health kits, during regular monthly meeting January 20. Looking on are Kathy Crofoot, left, and Debbie Hayes.

  One of the  projects  we’ve done regularly over the years is make health kits for UMCOR (the United Methodist Committee on Relief), especially during emergencies, such as the most recent one in Haiti. I’ve attached a Word document of an article I submitted to our local newspaper about our latest effort on this behalf. I’m not sure this will work, but I hope you can read it (please be patient – it may take a while). Click here:  Health Kits a Tradition for Local Women

If you can’t connect – in a nutshell – it tells about making health kits for UMCOR, one of the top-ranked relief efforts in the country. We collect several basic hygiene items, which are put together in a kit. They’re then sent wherever needed – in this case it will be to Haiti. 

UMCOR claims, “Every dollar you give to UMCOR goes to the program you designate.  UMCOR is 100% efficient.”  Not many agencies can make that claim.  

Bottom line: If you’d like to send a monetary donation to help our United Methodist Women make health kits, please send a check payable to UMW, with “Health Kits” on the memo line, to 105 Ann Street, Boonville, NY 13309; or if you’d like to send a donation directly to UMCOR, please go to  www.umcor.org  for information and instructions.

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